
There are various tools to help you find a suitable journal – open or closed – for your paper. The tools search for journals with similar titles, keywords and abstracts and make suggestions, which of course have to be checked!

In addition to the tools listed, large publishers also offer similar tools, which of course only take into account their own publishing offerings.

It can also be helpful to take a look at your own references: a journal that is cited may also be suitable for the publication of your own paper!


B!son helps you to find a suitable Open Access Journal for your article: Based on the Title, Abstract and References, B!son suggests possible Open Access Journals for your publication.



Papago provides detailed information on the obligations and options for publishing Open Access. Papago also provides detailed information on the financing possibilities of Open Access articles in individual journals - tailored to the services offered by the respective University.

Papago UniLu

Papago HSLU