Open Access publishing with the major scientific publishers

  • Open Science
  • wissen+
Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024
12.15 bis 13.00 Uhr
Zoom Meeting

Without additional costs - with the Read&Publish agreements!

Foto: ZHB

As part of the national Open Access strategy, several 'Read&Publish' agreements have been negotiated with the major scientific publishers (e.g. Springer, Wiley, Cambridge, Oxford, Sage). In addition, there are agreements with smaller as well as pure Open Access publishers. This allows members of the three Lucerne Universities to publish Open Access in thousands of academic journals. In the input we will present the agreements. Which journals are covered by an agreement, how do researchers have to proceed so that their publications are immediately freely accessible from these two publishers at no additional cost? What should be taken into account?

Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 669 6746 8836  
Kenncode: 687676

Contact: Jörg Müller

Die Veranstaltung ist offen für alle, kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung.

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