The production of an Open Access publication - like the production of any publication - is associated with costs. However, the costs are not charged to the end users, i.e. the readers, but to the authors or their Universities or Research Funding Organisations, depending on the financing model. Researchers at the University of Lucerne, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts or the Lucerne University of Teacher's Education have various options for financing their Open Access Publications.
Financing models
Journal article
Gold Open Access Journal: The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) finances articles as long as they have been written as part of an SNSF-funded project and are published in a Gold Open Access journal. The amount can also be applied for after the end of the project. Further information can be found on the SNSF's Open Access Website.
Hybrid Journal: Through Read&Publish Agreements, which the Swiss universities have concluded with various major academic publishers, members of Lucerne's higher education institutions can publish Open Access in thousands of journals at no additional cost.
If the costs for the publication of the article cannot be financed via the SNSF or a Read&Publish Agreement, funding can be applied for via the publication fund of the respective institution (see above).
Monograph or anthology
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) finances comprehensive, scientific and peer-reviewed works as long as they are published in Gold Open Access. This also includes dissertations, post-doctoral theses, legal commentaries and editions. Textbooks, special editions of journals, conference proceedings, new editions and translations are not funded. Parallel to the digital Open Access publication, a printed version of the work can be published and sold. The costs for printing and distribution of the printed copy must be financed by the sales revenue. Further information can be found on the SNSF Open Access website.
If the book does not fulfil the criteria of the SNSF, funding can be applied for via the publication fund of the respective institution:
- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts: Open Science (internal link in Inside)
- Lucerne University of Teacher Education
- University of Lucerne: Open Access Publication Fund
The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) finances dissertations and postdoctoral theses provided they are published in Gold Open Access. Parallel to the digital Open Access publication, a printed version of the work can be published and sold. The costs for printing and distribution of the printed copy must be financed by the sales revenue. In the case of qualifying theses, the reviews are considered peer reviews; further information can be found on the SNSFs Open Access website.
If the dissertation cannot be published in Gold Open Access, the University of Lucerne provides funding for its members under certain conditions (distinction Summa cum laude and publication in Green Open Access).
In addition to the options mentioned above, the following foundations support open access publications
Richard Lewinson Stiftung (for publications in the field of music)