

Regular Opening Hours

Monday - Sunday08.00 - 20.00
Special Collections Reading Room 
Monday - Saturday12.00 - 18.00 (except public holidays)
Bistro Wärchbrogg 
Monday - Friday08.00 - 18.00
Saturday08.00 - 16.00
Sunday08.00 - 16.00


Special Opening Hours 2024

National Holiday1. August - closed
Maintenance9. to 15. September - closed
Christmas24. to 25. December - closed
New Year31. December to 1. January - closed
Bistro Wärchbrogg 
Easter29. March to 1. April - closed
Ascension9. May - closed
Whit Monday20. May - closed
Corpus Christi30. May - closed
National Holiday1. August - closed
Assumption15. August - closed
Maintenance9. bis 15. September - closed
All Saints1. November - closed
Christmas / New Year24. December to 2. January - closed
Uni/PH Building
Monday - Friday07.30 - 21.30
Saturday07.45 - 15.30


Sunday opening
For students there are supplementary Sunday opening hours during the exam preparation period.

Sunday18 May
Sunday25 May
Thursday29 May
Sunday1 June
Sunday8 June
Monday9 June
Sunday15 June
Thursday19 June
Sunday22 June

Summer closure
The library is closed during the first two weeks of August. During this period our local holdings can be ordered to our location at Sempacherstrasse.

Reduced summer opening hours
In July and the second half of August we close at 6:30 pm.

Special Opening Hours 2025

Easter17. April - open until 18.30
18. April to 21. April - closed
Ascension28. May - open until 18.30
29. May - closed
Whit Monday09. June - closed
Corpus Christi18. June - open until 18.30
19. June - closed
Summer opening hours30. June to 31. July
Mo - Fr: 07.30 - 18.30
Sa: 07.45 - 15.30
National Holiday01. August - closed
Summer Holiday01. to 16. August closed
Summer opening hours18. to 30. August
Mo-Fr: 07.30 - 18.30 
Sa: 07.45 - 15.30
St. Leodegar01. October - open until 18.30
02. October - closed
Homecoming Party25. September - open until 18.00
All Saints31. October - open until 18.30
01. November - closed
Christmas23. December - open until 18.30 
24. bis 26. December - closed
New Year30. December - open until 18.30
31. December bis 02. January - closed
HSLU – Engineering & Architecture

You can find our daily opening hours on our HSLU website.

For members of the Department of Engineering & Architecture access is possible daily from 06.00 - 22.00 with the HSLU Card.

HSLU – Business

Regular Opening Hours

Monday - Friday08.00 - 18.30
Saturday09.30 - 14.00


Special Opening Hours

Please note the special opening hours on public holidays and during semester breaks.

HSLU – Computer Science and Business

Regular Opening Hours

Information desk 
Monday - Friday09.00 - 17.00
Lunch break12.00 - 13.00

Information desk is not staffed continuously during lunch break.

Monday - Friday07.00 - 22.00
Saturdays07.00 - 18.00
Sunday + holidaysClosed for external users

Members of the Lucerne School of Computer Science and Information Technology and the Lucerne School of Business have 24/7 access to the library with their HSLU-Card.

External users (including students from other HSLU schools) only have access during the opening times of the building.


Special Opening Hours 

Please note the special opening hours on public holidays and during semester breaks.

HSLU – Social Work

Regular Opening Hours

BSc/MSc students of the HSLU – Social Work have access to the library 365 days a year from 07.00 to 22.00 (MAS students on request).

Library Info-Desk
Monday - Friday07.30 - 18.0008.30 - 12.00
13.00 - 16.00


Special Opening Hours

You can find our special opening hours on our HSLU website.

HSLU – Design Film Art

Regular Opening Hours

Members of the Department of HSLU – Design Film Art have continuous access to the library with their HSLU Card.

Monday - Friday09.00 - 17.00


Special Opening Hours

You can find our special opening hours on our HSLU website.

HSLU – Music

Regular Opening Hours

Members of the Department of HSLU – Music have continuous access to the library with their HSLU Card.

Monday - Friday08.00 - 18.00
Saturday10.00 - 14.00


Special Opening Hours

You can find our special opening hours on our HSLU website.