Lending periods

Check the due date of your borrowed items regularly in your user account.

You can change your personal details online in your Switch edu-ID account.


Provided there are no reservations or blocks, the lending period is automatically renewed by 28 days up to the maximum lending period of 168 days. You can also extend the lending period yourself via your user account. After a maximum of 168 days, the lending period can no longer be extended; the item must be presented at the library and borrowed again if necessary.

Special regulation for law literature of the University/PH Library: Provided there are no reservations or blocks, the lending period is automatically renewed by 14 days up to the maximum lending period of 84 days. You can also renew items yourself via your user account. After a maximum of 84 days, the lending period cannot be extended any further; the item must be presented to the library and, if necessary, borrowed again.