Due to the interdisciplinary nature of cultural studies, only interdisciplinary research tools are mentioned here. Depending on the chosen major, the subject pages for history, ethnology, sociology, philosophy, political science, Jewish studies and religious studies should also be taken into account.
Web of Science core collection
The WoS Core Collection is an interdisciplinary citation and literature database; it covers the subject spectrum of the arts, humanities and social sciences, medicine, natural sciences and technology.
JSTOR is an interdisciplinary electronic journal archive that provides access to selected specialist journals, academic books and source collections. However, the most recent volumes of the journals are not available as they are subject to an embargo.
Academic OneFile
Academic OneFile is an article database with literature references on topics from the natural sciences, technology, medicine, economics, social sciences and the humanities.
The free image database Europeana offers access to the collections of European museums, archives and libraries.