
As in many humanities subjects, open access is still not well established in the science of history. This is due to the fact that monographs and edited volumes play a major role in the subject. Nevertheless, there are already some Gold Open Access journals and publishers that offer Open Access publications. In many cases, it is also possible to make a publication freely accessible at a later date ("Green Open Access"). 
Further information on Open Access in the field of history can be found on the platform.

Gold Open Access  

Most journals in the field of history are published conventionally. Nevertheless, there is a range of Gold Open Access journals, including the following:

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) lists over 20,000 Gold Open Access Journals that have been quality-checked according to formal criteria.

Secundary publication

In the "Sherpa/Romeo" database, you can look up whether and under what conditions an article that has been published conventionally may be republished on LORY. The policies of internationally oriented journals in particular are covered.

Read&Publish Agreements

Thanks to national agreements concluded with various major academic publishers, members of the three Lucerne universities can publish Open Access in thousands of journals at no additional cost. In the field of history, for example, this includes the following journals:

Further information on the Read & Publish Agreements can be found on our Open Science page.

Open Access publishers

The Directory of Open Access Books currently lists over 75,000 academic open access titles that have undergone peer review. Numerous publishers that offer history-related topics offer open access publications, including Springer, Routledge, Brill, Mohr Siebeck or De Gruyter.

Further information and contact

You can find more information on Open Access on the Open Science page.
