Islamic Theology
Digital Resources
Free digital resources
- Corpus Coranicum: Text documentation and historical-critical commentary on the Koran
- The Sunnah in Arabic and in English translation
- SSG Vorderer Orient Digital: Older digitised sources and classics of Islamic studies
- Overview UC Berkeley of other free sources
Licensed digital sources:
Log in via VPN before searching the licensed electronic resources if you are not on the campus! This will give you direct access to our licenced e-media resources. Further information can be found on this page.
Open Access
Islamic studies and Islamic theology work with different methods: Humanities, philological and social science approaches play an important role. In addition to journals, monographs are also important. Although Open Access is only partially established, there are still various ways to make your own publications freely accessible, for example via the Green Road. Further information on Open Access in Islamic Studies can be found on the platform. See also our page about Open Access.