Philosophy is a discipline in which monographs still play a significant role. As in other disciplines of the humanities, Open Access in philosophy is still not widely established. However, there are various ways to publish Open Access in philosophy, . Detailed information on Open Access and philosophy is available on the platform
Secondary publication
In the "Sherpa/Romeo" database, you can look up whether and under what conditions a conventionally published article can be stored as a secondary publication in LORY. Only policies of international journals are covered in Sherpa/Romeo.
Read&Publish Agreements
Thanks to our agreements with various major scientific publishers, members of the three Lucerne universities can publish Open Access in thousands of journals at no additional cost. In the field of philosophy, for example, the following journals are covered by an agreement:
- British Journal for the History of Philosophy
- International Journal of Philosophical Studies
- Philosophical Explorations
- Philosophy & Social Criticism
For more information on Read & Publish agreements, please visit our page on Open Science.
Publishers for Open Access books
The Directory of Open Access Books currently lists over 75,000 peer-reviewed Open Access titles. Many publishers that are important in philosophy provide Open Access options, such as Springer, Routledge, Brill, Mohr Siebeck and De Gruyter.