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Log in via VPN before searching the licensed electronic resources if you are not on the campus! This will give you direct access to our licenced e-media resources. Further information can be found on this page.

Most important tools

Databases for in-depth research:

  • Database-Informationsystem (DBIS): Collection Sociology (specialist databases and interdisciplinary electronic resources on the subject)
  • SocIndex with Fulltext: English-language database with many full texts
  • Sociological Abstracts: English-language, abstracts are provided directly, full texts only partially. 
    Advice: A nice feature of the database is the timeline at the bottom left, where you can not only limit the search to years, but also see at a glance when a topic was particularly prominent, i.e. when a lot was published on it.

Journal search: Use the journal search on swisscovery RZS to search directly for journals.

Studies & reports: Google Scholar and BASE

Reference works on Database-Informationsystem (DBIS): Overview of relevant reference works online